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The most important questions to ask yourself are:

* Can you afford to feed a puppy that will grow into a large dog?

* Can you afford veterinary costs for immunization, worming and unexpected illnesses or accidents?

* Do you have the time to devote to training a new puppy and later exercising a large dog?

* Is your property securely fenced?

* Can you afford suitable housing and care for your dog when you go on holidays?

* Will the breeder you purchase from be available for advice on raising your puppy?

* Is your whole family happy with the characteristics of this breed?

* If you do not intend to show can you afford to spay or neuter your dog?

* Have the puppies been raised in a clean environment and are they happy and inquisitive.


The whole litter should have been wormed every 2 weeks since birth and should have been vaccinated at 6-8 weeks of age for distemper, hepatitis and parvovirus. This vaccination takes between 10 and 14 days to give the puppy immunity.When you inspect a prospective litter, take a good look at both sire and dam (if available). Do they have any noticeable faults such as undershot or overshot jaws, flat or splayed feet, timid or aggressive temperaments? Are they both physically active and agile with good muscle tone and free flowing movement? Have the sire and dam been x-rayed and scored for hip and elbow dysplasia. If both sire and dam appear to be basically sound in conformation and temperament look at the litter overall. Are the puppies even in size or do they range from tiny puppies to very large puppies? An average litter numbers 8-10 pups; if there are 3 or 4 in the litter did the breeder have to cull any? If so, what were the problems?

The main coat colour must be wheaten, e.g. honey coloured or reddish gold or shades thereof but not black, cream, brindle, grey/blue or black and tan

It is recommended that the puppy you decide to purchase is registered with the Canine Control Council of Queensland (CCC) by the breeder. There is a big difference between a puppy having papers and being CCC registered. Without the CCC registration there is no guarantee that the puppy you purchase is indeed purebred. Even though the parents may have registration papers unless the breeder is a registered breeder with the CCC your puppy will never have CCC registration papers.

If in doubt contact the CCC (details at the front of this booklet) and ask if the breeder is a CCC registered breeder. All breeders listed in the RRCQ Breeders Directory have agreed to abide by the Club’s Code of Ethics and as member of the CCC their Code of Ethics as well.All puppies in Queensland that are registered with the CCC must be sold with their papers registered in the new owners name. If you have not received your puppy’s papers from the CCC within 4 weeks of receiving your puppy then do not waste any time and contact the CCC immediately.

Choosing your ridgeback

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